Electronics CAD
From the simplest to the most complex circuits, from low-cost to technically demanding, from very small series to mass production.

Schematic capture
This is the first step, defining both the components to be used and their interconnections.
Already got your schematic? Perfect!
If not, our engineering department can take care of it for you
3D modelling
Today's products are stylish and compact.
To achieve ever denser and smaller systems, we systematically work with 3D models of the components and provide you with the assembly file for review. When the integration is very delicate, we import your mechanics directly into the electronics CAD to avoid the need of going back and forth.

Board layout
We give your electronics its final shape and trace the connections that will bring it to life.
We are perfectly used to taking into account all types of constraints: high density, sensitive signals, strong currents, fast signals, radio antennas, electro-magnetic compatibility, ... and sometimes all at once!
Not forgetting the industrial constraints associated with DFM and DFT: stacking, etching, solder mask, solder paste, test points, etc.

Manufacturing files
A good design should be straightforward to manufacture.
To ease communication with your subcontractors, we always provide you with complete manufacturing files, including detailed drawings. Our aim: to enable you to be autonomous and independent of any manufacturer.
Even if we also love managing your production!We are specialists.
Trust Zentek for the design and manufacturing of your electronic systems.
One more thing...

IPC compliance
Our component libraries are built according to industry standards.
Objectives: quality and reliability!

CAD translation
We use your schematics if they exist, whatever your input tool: Altium, Cadence, Mentor Graphics / Siemens, Zuken, Autodesk, KiCad, etc.

We would be delighted to share our Altium Designer expertise with you during a tailor-made training session.

The next logical step in the design process. To avoid frustration, let's rely on us for manufacturing.